Saturday, January 4, 2020

Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At Work

Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At Work Top 10 Tips On How Not To Get Fat At WorkPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie Chun For most of us who work in office jobs, staying fit and healthy when youre sitting at your desk all day can be a bit of a challenge, and the extra kilos can departure to creep on. You know you have to start worrying when your backside starts resembling the shape of your chair seat. Research has shown that the longer we spend sitting, the greater our chances of dying prematurely from heart disease and other causes and thats even if we exercise regularly. Its bad enough that many of us spend most of our days sitting at our computers, talking on the phone or sitting around in meetings but many of us then go home and sit in front of the TV for hours at a time. We all know what were supposed to do eat plenty of fruit and vegies, exercise, dont eat sugary and fatty foods. But as you sit at your desk feeling bored and peckish, the bickie tin and muffin tray can act lik e a siren call, and going to the gym after work can be the last thing you feel like after a long, tiring day. But this is your health were talking about, and its worth making the effort. Its all about developing healthy habits and you might find yourself looking and feeling so much better that you dont even miss your donut-munching, couch potato ways. Here are a few tips to get you started 1. Eat a good breakfast Kickstart your day with a nutritious, filling breakfast that will carry you through to lunch. Many popular cereals are loaded with sugar so try unsweetened muesli with yoghurt and honey, oatmeal, or wholemeal toast with eggs or beans the extra protein will keep hunger at bay and keep your energy levels steady. Whatever you do, avoid the coffee-and-danish after the initial hit your sugar levels will plummet and youll be gnawing on your obere extremitt by mid-morning. 2. Get off your chair You dont have to be an avid gym junkie to get exercise any incidental movement thro ughout the day helps. Its all about muscle contraction anything goes as long as youre not just sitting in your chair. That means you should get up and walk around regularly, even if its just for a stretch and a jaunt down the hallway. Walk over to your colleagues desk rather than sending an email, and take the stairs rather than the lift, even if its just for a floor or two. Some workplaces are even introducing height-adjustable desks so people can stand while theyre working, which could become a common workplace practice in the future. 3. Make healthy lunch choices There are many healthy lunch choices available at most delis and cafes, from sushi to salad and wholegrain sandwiches. Be sure to include some protein in your lunch, as this will fill you up more. Even better, make your own lunchat work or bring it in. Leftovers from the

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